Saturday, January 7, 2012

Trying, trying...trying...

Hey Ladies,
   So now that my son is 6, and I've found someone that I want to spend the rest of my life with...we've been trying to have a baby. Now, after I had my son and things didn't work out with his dad, I had made the sound decision that i never wanted any more kids, no matter what...But i guess things happen in your life and sometimes someone comes along and changes every thought you ever had about anything you thought you knew. I never wanted to get married, or have more kids...and now both of those things are top on my priority list...the only problem?? It seems like when you're not trying, you end up pregnant...and when you try, it's disappointment after disappointment from negative pregnancy tests. I'm so impatient and want to have good news now, that I'm letting it get to me. They say when you stop trying and just be with someone because you love them and don't have any expectations...that's when it happens. 
     I think sometimes I get down on myself because i think that it's my fault that we can't get pregnant. I blame myself for maybe being unhealthy, or for smoking sometimes, or for not getting exercise....for anything. I know that it's not my fault, but sometimes i can't help but think it is. We've only been trying for two months, so there's still plenty of time. I guess I'm just one of those people that, when i have my mind set on something, I want it, like now. Is there anyone else out there that's trying to have a baby and it's just not the right timing?? I sure hope i'm not the only one....

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