Friday, January 20, 2012

Ahhh way back when....

          So when I finally came to terms with the fact that I was pregnant, I also came to the realization that I was going to gain was inevitable. But, as my ignorant young mind perceived it...I would pop out my baby and be back to my skinny, tiny little self in no time....ohhhh to be young and naive! All throughout my pregnancy, I ate what I wanted, laid in bed like a beached whale, and got nice and plump. I didn't have a single stretch mark, just a rather large, watermelon shaped bump growing out of my front. I watched TV show after TV show while laying there all throughout summer wallowing in self pity (my son was born in September, so I was nice and big and fat throughout the hot season). On TV, all these models and actresses would have children, and go back to their skinny selves right after having a baby, I figured, hey, if they can do it, it must be easy!
Well, let me just say...boyyyyy was I wrong! I gained 82 pounds throughout pregnancy. I weighed 105 when I got pregnant, and I was a lovely 187 when my son came into this world. I did all the superstitious precautions that women do when they're pregnant, like rub coca butter on my belly every morning noon and night so I didn't get stretch marks, keep my feet elevated so they don't swell, practice breathing so that birthing would be easier...all that good stuff.
Let me just say, all of that stuff...IS CRAP! As soon as my son came out, all these stretch marks that weren't there before, appeared! Maybe I altered my mind during pregnancy so I thought they weren't there, maybe I was to fat to see over my huge lump, maybe god decided to just surprise me after 9 long months of pregnancy with a, "Hey! Don't forget that you gained 82 pounds while pregnant! Maybe next time you'll exercise and watch what you eat fatty!" either way, I was devastated, how was I ever going to wear shorts? Or a bathing suit? Or a cute little dress?! I was only 18!! I HAD to be able to dress cute again someday...I mean, yeah, I'm a mom...but I'm not dead!!!
After I got over the stretch marks and accepted the fact that they weren't going away, I started to obsess over my jiggly belly and my water-balloon looking boobs....where the heck did my six pack go? And why does it look like someone filled a balloon halfway with water and stapled it to my chest?!? Where is the voluptuous bosom I gained while being pregnant??? What's happening to me?! I obsessed for years and years about all of this...and I've come to one is what it is. I don't make a million dollars for surgery, I don't have an editor to take my picture and airbrush my photo, and I'm not spoiled enough to have a personal trainer....I am human. It happens to everyone.
Our bodies go through amazing changes and to put it bluntly....shit happens. After all the cramping, and stretching, and bloating, and swelling, and aching, and weight and all that good stuff....the end result is an amazing, beautiful, lovable life, that you grew inside of you. You are the reason that this little person, who is going to grow up and be someone someday, and who is going to love you here. In the end, it's all worth it. We will never be the same as we were before having's a fact of life. We are our own toughest critics, what we think is gross, the man who loves us thinks is sexy. What we find aggravating, he finds adorable. What we find depressing, he loves about you....we might not realize it...but all of us moms, are perfect, even if it's just for one reason...and that reason is...simply that, we are moms. :)

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