Monday, January 16, 2012

Perfectly Imperfect...

          When we're little girls, we have this specific, detailed, intricate plan of how our lives are going to be, from what type people we want to be friends with in high school, to who we want to marry, and what we want our wedding dress to look's inevitable, every girl does it (just not every one admits it). We look at magazines and wish we could look like anyone but ourselves, we want the best jobs so we can have the best things, we want the nicest car when we finally get our licenses, we want the prettiest prom dress, the most handsome boyfriend, and the best friends....but then we grow up, and realize that life doesn't really work like that. Life, and all it's imperfections...actually add up to be absolutely perfect for us.
          I had it all planned out when I was little. I was going to get the best grades in school, I was going to have a million friends, I was going to get a good job and buy a nice car that was better than all my friends, I was gonna look like a princess for prom, I was going to go out with the school jock, then I was going to graduate high school, go to college, get an awesome degree, marry my high school sweetheart, own a nice big house, and live happily ever after. It was that simple for me. That was my plan, nothing more, nothing less....then I got older and my Pretty Woman complex ended and reality set in.
          I got to high school and was put into all honors classes. I worked my butt off to keep my grades up. I had a lot of friends, but they weren't the popular that point in my life, I had realized that I didn't want to be popular for the same reasons as the other girls did...I didn't think my reputation was worth the popularity, so i was friends with all the odd ones out...we were like the land of misfit toys, but I was okay with that, because they were real friends. I finally got a job when I was old enough to get my work permit, and it was far from a "high paying profession"...I was a cashier at Price Chopper. haha. But, my job paid my bills, and eventually, I got a car...No, it wasn't a fancy BMW or a Bentley....I got a dodge neon! But it got me from point A to point B so who was I to complain? 
          Junior year rolled around, and I got asked to prom by one of my best friends. As much as I wanted to Cinderella Princess dress, I settled for a cute pink dress from TJ Maxx...far from my fairytale. But...I rocked it anyways and made it into something good. I was with my sons father all through high school, so my dream of dating the jock were long lost. I got pregnant my senior year, 3 months before my 18th birthday, and dropped out, so needless to say, I didn't graduate top in my class and go to some exquisite college. Instead, I got my GED while I was pregnant, and went to Dental Assisting School when my son was first born. I graduated from there top in my class, and got a job in an Orthodontic Office. I didn't get a big fancy house, and I sure didn't get married! But I got a nice apartment, and a newer car than I had had, and I was working at a job that was a career, not something I hated doing, but dealt with to make money.
          I guess I came to learn, that the things that I have, may not be perfect to someone else, but they are perfect to, and for, me. I live in a nice apartment, I have a degree in something I like doing, I have a beautiful son that I love more than anything in this world, I have a good relationship with my family, I have a fiance who I love with all my heart, and I'm finally happy with myself. I might not have gotten my perfect childhood fairytale...but I got my grown-up, real life happy story. My life turned out to be, perfectly imperfect...and I'm okay with that. <3

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