Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Out of the mouth of babes!

          Some days I just don't understand where my six year old gets the things that he says! We'll be arguing, or I'll tell him to do something, and his replies absolutely floor me. I don't ever remember talking to my parents the way that my son talks to me, and if I did, I'm pretty sure I would have spent a good amount of my childhood life, locked away in my bedroom! I've never been told I've been hated so much in my life, as I have in the last year by my child. But hey, if he hates me right now, I must be doing something right huh? For example: the other day I told him to do something, and his direct reply was, "You know what Mom? You're really starting to aggravate me!" ....WHAT??? The thing that killed me, is he said it while standing there scowling at me with his hand on his hip. Now what am I supposed to do when he says this? Half of me wants to burst out laughing because of the oh so serious look on his face, with his raised eyebrow. The other half wants to slap him in his fresh little mouth. 
          One day we were in WalMart, and while going down one of the toy isles, he sees a Woody doll from the Toy Story movie. He asked my father if he could get the doll, my dad replied, "Mom is the boss and she says no." So now my son starts screaming, "I WANT A WOODY!!! WHY CAN'T I GET A WOODY MOM!!!" Fellow shoppers slowed down to see what the commotion was all about. Here is this six year old kid, screaming at me in the middle of WalMart, because he can't get a Woody. As I'm turning about 7 shades of red, people are laughing at the whole scene. Finally, to spare myself any further embarrassment, I scowl, "Just get him the damn doll!" Needless to say, my son was banned from trips to WalMart with me for a couple of months!
          Another memorable time of my "out of the mouth of babes" saga, myself, my son, and my dad were shopping in the grocery store. My son had to be about 3 1/2-4 years old at the time. As we're walking down the isle, a woman that my father knew stopped to talk to us. Now this woman was rather...homely...to put it nicely. Everything was going fine, she was just talking to my dad, and me and the baby were shopping. All of a sudden, she turns to my son, and with a huge, jack-o-lantern smile on her face, says, "Ohhhh look at you! Aren't you just the cutest!" My son paused and looked at her for a second before saying..."What happened to your face?" .......awkward......! She just laughed and looked at my dad and said, "What did he say?" Without even thinking, I jumped in and said, "He said let's get out of this place." The woman just laughed and replied, "Ohhhh how cute!" ...Whew! What a save!
          Every day my son comes home from school, he has a bad note. And every day when I ask, it's NEVER his fault...conveniently. Today a note came home from his teacher that included, (and this is no lie), "and when asked to stop by teachers on duty, he started growling at them..." .....Really?! How do you reprimand a child for GROWLING at someone?! Could you even imagine?? If only you could go to work, and when your boss tells you to do something you don't want to do...just growl at them. HA! As mad as I should have been when I read it, all I could do was laugh and say, "Really Diego..Really??? You seriously growled at your teacher?? What would possess you to do such a thing??" His reply..."They made me mad." okayyyyyy...that was the END of that conversation! 
          My child is one of a kind, as is every other mother's. There is not one child like another. They all have their qualities that make them who they are. They all have their times that make us laugh, and their times that they frustrate us. But sometimes, you just have to take a step back, and laugh about the things that come out of their mouths. I give my son credit, some days I wish I could be as quick with my comebacks as he is. And some days, I wish, Oh how I wish, I could just say what was on my mind and not give two craps! haha

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