Thursday, January 5, 2012

Ohhh the joys of parenting....

So my son has been doing nothing but getting in trouble at school ever since he started this year. Now, I'm hoping it's just a phase, but I'm pretty sure once he hit terrible two''s been all downhill since then! I've tried behavior charts, red faces for bad days, green faces for good days, I've taken things away, rewarded him when he did something good..I've even stooped so low as to bribe him to be good in school! The problem isn't that he's not smart, he's actually a very bright kid...I think the problem is that he feels the need to defy anything authoritative. He hasn't had it easy, but it's like there is no common ground where we can meet and just agree on things. Every morning it's a fight to get him ready for school, whether it's, "Mom i don't feel good," "Mom i HATE school," "Mom i have nothing to wear...." the list goes on. Like really?!? You're six years old...what does what you wear have to do with going to school?? That stuff didn't even matter until i was at least in middle school! My son is undeniably...a diva. He has like 5 girlfriends in school, which is one of the only reasons i think he actually gets his butt outta bed in the morning to go! I have no idea what is happening to kids these days and where the rules and priorities went...but some days I've just had enough! Don't get me wrong, I love my son with all my heart and everything i have...but some days are just easier than others. A word of advice to all you girls out there: Wait to have babies. Wait until you're out of school, married, with a secure job, and a house. Children need this stability and consistency. There is no point in having a baby when you're young and "so in love," me...i would know....It's not fair to bring a child into something that is doomed right from the start. A child deserves a loving, caring, and well communicating family. I wouldn't trade my son for the entire world....but if i could go back i would have waited until i could give him so much more. Don't forget that when you have babies, they don't just go away, they are with you for life....they depend on you, need you, look up to you, learn from you, and end up who they are because of you. 

"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie."  ~Tenneva Jordan

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