Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Love of My Life

         Sometimes you have this plan for your life, the way things are going to be, who's going to be a part of it, and how it's going to happen...and sometimes someone comes along that changes every thought you ever had, and turns you into someone you never thought you'd be. As I said in my post last night, I had it in my head, that I was going to be alone for the rest of my life: only me and my son was all I needed. I was convinced that every guy that came along would hurt me, or betray me somewhere down the road, so I never gave anyone a chance. 
          I started working for a company as a receptionist a few years back. I was hired to answer the phones, and handle overflow work for the office manager. One day, the owner of the company came to me and told me that he wanted me to work on something for him: the company had no service program, so he wanted me to create one, from the ground up. Well, this was an amazing opportunity to do something that I had never done before. I was excited! I set out to work, collecting old records for every customer the company had ever had from the beginning.  Once I got the program going, the boss came in and told he was taking one of the production guys off of the crew, and he would be the new service guy for my program. I had never met this guy before, so I didn't know what to expect.
          I met him, and we clicked instantly. We made an amazing working team. We brainstormed ideas, came up with new methods for our program..and our department flourished. Within the next couple months, our program had made the company over $30,000...not bad for a couple of kids who had no idea what they were doing when they started it. As the two youngest people in the company, we had turned nothing, into an entire, successful department. We had customers that only wanted to deal with just us, we had made it. We had a full schedule, booked out 6 months in advance, with customers still calling in to make appointments. 
          As the program grew, so did our friendship. At first, it was because we had no choice: we were the only people in the department, we had to work together to make anything successful...but then, it became choice. When one was having a bad day, the other would make it a point to make the other one happy, whether it was listening to a problem, or making them laugh and feel better. When you work for a company that you spend more than 50 hours of your week at, you tend to grow relationships with the people you work with. We'd talk about life, learning, ideas, our day...anything really. He became not only my coworker, but my best friend. He was there when I needed him, and I was there for him. 
          A year passed and we got closer and closer. Then I left the company...for a lot of different reasons. The place just didn't work in my life anymore. I gave it all up and walked away. I was going through a rough patch in my life, and felt like I had no one. I had erased everyone from the company out of my life, off of my facebook....just like that. One day, my phone went off...It was my coworker. All the message said was, "Are you okay?" I knew then, that he was a genuine person. I had abandoned my job, and him. I left the department and he had to pick it all up by himself, and for him to still care about me and if I was okay, meant something. We spent days talking. Finally, I asked him if he wanted to meet up with me for dinner..we met up. After we finished eating, we spent hours just talking in the parking lot.
          The next couple of weeks we hung out a lot. We went fishing, out to dinner, or just spent time watching tv at my house. The more we hung out, the more I realized that he might be someone different....not the same as every other guy...Then he met my son...and they clicked instantly. He made my whole family happy. It was like he was an instant addition. He spent endless days convincing me that he was different, and not all guys are the same, and he wasn't going to hurt me. Slowly, I started to realize, maybe he was genuine. He was over one night, and I suggested that he spend the night, so he didn't have to drive an hour ride back home. He stayed. And to my surprise, he fell asleep next to me and didn't try a single thing. He was respectful and caring. He would get up and go to work early in the morning, and come back home to me, no matter what time. It took weeks for him to even kiss me. He was dead set on proving that he was a good guy. And he did.
          He's been with me every night since. My family absolutely adores him. My son loves him with all his heart, and he makes me the happiest girl in the whole world. He goes out of his way every day to show me how much he loves me. Don't get me wrong, we have our ups and downs, we have good days and bad days, but we make it through. We keep the simple mentality, that we are a team, no matter what. We work together and fix any problems that we have. He makes me smile on bad days, wipes my tears on sad days, makes me laugh on angry days, and hugs me on lonely days. He treats my son like he's his own, and loves everyone in my family. He changed every view I ever had on men and how they treat women....and it all started as a little assignment at work...who woulda thought it?? ;)

“Love comes to those who still hope even though they've been disappointed, to those who still believe even though they've been betrayed, to those who still love even though they've been hurt before."- Anonymous

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