Friday, January 13, 2012

Family First.

          Things happen in life, and people come and go. I've come to the conclusion, that as mad as our family makes us sometimes, they will, undoubtedly, always be there for us when no one else is. I'm 24 years old, and I will proudly admit, that my father is my best friend. My Dad has always been there for me, even when I didn't deserve it. He would give me his last penny, if he knew that it would make me okay. When I sit back and think about it, I feel like a horrible person. Sometimes I've taken him for granted, or expected something just because I was used to him doing things for me. My Dad is an admirable man. For as long as I can remember, my dad has been a working man. When I was little, he worked endless hours, but still somehow managed to take me to all of my sports practices, games, and tournaments. He still found time in his day to play basketball with me in the driveway, in between cooking dinner and helping my sister with her homework.
          He was always the disciplinarian, the mentor, the good guy...everything. My father was the one who took myself and my sister bra shopping, he took us to pick out our prom dresses, he listened to our relationship problems, he sat and did our homework with us for hours, he cooked dinner every night, no matter how late he got home from work...he did everything a dad should do...and more. My Mother suffers from anxiety and depression, so she missed out on a lot of me and my sister growing up...but not my dad, he never missed a beat. My Dad is the ideal family man. He supported my mother, no matter what she wanted to do: if she didn't want to work, he would pick up extra hours at work, when she wanted to run a daycare, he transformed our house into a kid ready zone, when she hated our small house, he put a full dormer on the upstairs, with a double vanity sink and a deep bath tub, when she got sick of the downstairs bathroom, he gutted the whole thing and built it from the beams up, with a beautiful tub, brass fixtures, and a tile floor. When she didn't have anywhere to sit outside because the sun  made her skin break out, he built a farmers porch across the front of the house so she could sit outside and enjoy the summer.
          My dad took so much time making me, my sister, and my mom happy, I think he lost track of himself. He deserved so much, but he never asked for anything, from anyone. I was far from an angel child, but my dad stood by my side no matter what, and always supported my decisions, and worked through my mistakes with me. He always had faith that I could do whatever I wanted. I was attached to my dads hip growing up, everywhere he went...I went. Sometimes me and him took day trips just to get away from life. We would go fishing for an entire day, or take a drive to the other side of the state just to get out. When I had my son and lived a state away, I called my dad every night to say goodnight, and every morning to tell him to have a good day. I wasn't ashamed. Most people my age don't want anything to do with their I love mine. I talk to mine every day, I see my dad every single day, and I see my mom a couple of times a month.
          I look back now and I realize that everything my father ever did, was in mine and my sisters best interest. He is a good person, heart and soul. I am forever grateful for everything my dad has done for me, and nothing I could ever do, could amount to the things that he's given or done for me. My Dad will be my best friend for my whole life. He was there for me when no one else was, and sometimes I don't take that into account...most parents wouldn't deal with what I put him through, and most wouldn't still give their kids chance after chance when they just keep screwing up over and over. When I was in third grade, I had to write a paper about who my hero was...I chose my Dad...and that....that will never change. So thank you Dad for everything you've ever done for me. Thank you for sticking by my side and believing in me. Thank you for having faith in me, even when I continue to disappoint you. Thank you for being the best. And most of all, thank you for your unconditional love. I love you dad.  

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