Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Lessons from my son...

           I've come to the conclusion, and I'm comfortable saying, that I will never stop learning from my son. He will never cease to amaze me, and he will forever be the voice of reason when I have irrational moments. My sons father and I separated before my son was even a year old. He had nothing to do with him for the first year that we were split up. My mother left our family when my son was two years old. We came home from work one day, and my mom, and everything in our house was father was served with divorce papers two days later. Earlier that morning, my cat, that I had had since I was in preschool, had died, so when my son came home from daycare, I had to explain to him why his grandma, the dog annnd the cat were all gone. I sat him down and told him that Grandma moved somewhere else and she wasn't going to be living with us anymore. At the age of two, you're pretty resilient, plus he had already experienced not having his dad be there, so he was used to it. 
          Once the smoke had settled and I had made up with my mother and forgiven her for what she had done, we started going out to visit her. My son loved going to spend time with his Grandma. One day, when leaving the house that my mom was staying at, we get into the car, I get my son strapped in, get into the drivers seat, and before I pull out he says, "Mom, how come Grandma can't just come home with us?" The only reply, or example I could use, was me and his father, so i said, "Baby, grandma and grandpa, are like Mommy and Daddy..." Without a seconds hesitation, and without letting me finish what I was saying, he stated, "They still love each other, they just can't live together, right Mom? Sometimes people love each other, but they just can't get along, and they hurt each others' feelings, more than they make each other happy. That's why grandma won't come home." What he said was more of a statement, than a question. Before just breaking down and crying, I said, "You're right're right." 
          To hear this statement come out of my two year old child's mouth, was something that I didn't expect. My son is wise beyond his years. He has been through so much in life, and still manages to smile every day. He's lived in about seven different homes, between myself, his father, and both of his grandparents, and still somehow, he manages to be a relatively happy, and optimistic child. A few months back, I had a procedure done. I was home alone, just me and my son, and I wasn't feeling good. I was in so much pain, all I could do was curl up in a ball and cry. I didn't want to tell my dad what I had done, so I didn't call. My son went into the kitchen, grabbed his icepack out of the fridge, climbed up in the chair next to me, put the ice pack on my head, wiped away my tears, and said, "It'll be okay Mommy, don't cry. I'll sit with you all night, you'll be okay." He then went to the night stand, and pulled out the thermometer, and took my temperature. He sat with me all night. I truly believe that my son, is my saving grace. He is my strength and admiration. He is wise beyond his years. 
          I'd like to take all the credit for raising such an amazing boy, but I can't...I really just got lucky. He never looses his faith, his love, his loyalty, or his kindness. He has his moments, as does any kid, but in all actuality, I have an angel for a son. He loves me no matter what, he never judges, he never holds grudges, he's there when I'm lost, and he's by my side through thick and thin. I will never stop learning from my son, he will teach me something new every day. His simple, yet complex mind will never cease to amaze me. He, in only his six years here, is a much stronger person than I am. I admire him and love him more than I had ever fathomed being able to feel about someone. My son is my world.

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