Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Instruction Manual...What's that?!

          When we decide to have babies, we have this perfect picture in our head of how it's going to happen, how we're going to raise them, and how they're going to be when they grow up..Well, let me just say, boyyyyy was I wrong! I love my son more than anything in this world, but Motherhood is NOTHING like I expected it to be. My son was supposed to come with an instruction manual: when to eat, when to change him, how to change him, when he's supposed to burp, how he's supposed to sleep, when he stops taking naps, how to make him crawl, walk, burp...blah blah blah.....wasn't he?! haha, but seriously, when I was pregnant I bought book after book of "how to be the perfect mom" and "how to raise the perfect child" and a million others. 
          Half of these books told me to have my son burp after every couple ounces of formula, the others told me to let him drink the whole bottle then give him a nice big burp at the end. One third of the books told me to have him sleep on his side, in case he threw up, the second third told me to have him sleep on his back so he wouldn't roll over and suffocate, the last third told me to have him sleep on his stomach with his head to the side. One half of the books told me to not hold him to much, because he would grow up to be a spoiled baby, the other half told me to carry him as much as I could because letting him lay down or sit in a baby swing all day would give him a flat head. Half the books said hold his hands up and let him walk, the other half said let him do it on his own so he doesn't mess up his legs.....UGH!!!
          So, my conclusion??...I did whatever I thought was right! I did what seemed good and suitable for MY SON. I burped him after every four ounces. I wedged him on his side between two small pillows when he went to sleep, so he didn't end up on his back or his stomach. I gave him a Binky, yes, the evil word to most parents! I did it!...And you know what? When HE got sick of it, he decided on his own that he didn't want it anymore. I gave him belly time every day so he could gain the ambition to want to get up and crawl around...and guess what? He did it! I carried him or put him in his doorway bouncy, this way he didn't get "to much carry time", but he didn't get a flat head either. He's  now six years old, and so far, little damage has been done to him. I think I've managed to raise a pretty outstanding, admirable son, if I do say so myself :)
          My point is, there ARE NO INSTRUCTION MANUALS on being a parent and raising a baby. It's trial and error. I believe that Mother's are born with the parenting gene embedded somewhere inside of their body, and when they have children...they just know. I know that, what worked for my son, might not have worked for someone else's child. I know that every kid is different, and I know that there is theory upon theory upon theory, about how to be a good parent, and what you should and shouldn't do with your kids, and what's good and what's bad, and this and this......but I believe that when you have a child of your own...you just know. I knew when he was hungry. I knew when he needed to be changed. I knew when he was tired. I knew when he was fussy....I knew my son, even when he couldn't talk. I don't think that there is one person out there, that can tell you how to raise your child...I think that it is something that is in you, and only you. You know who your child is, and what he/she needs. ....your head, and your heart...are your own, self-made, never duplicated...instruction manual.

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