Friday, October 12, 2012

Where should schools draw the line??

      When my son started school this year, a letter was sent home informing parents that they would be taking the children down to the nurses office, weighing them, and recording their BMI's. (Body Mass Index) This didn't seem to me, like something that should be being done by the school, but whatever. I was used to them doing eye tests and hearing tests, and that was it. This letter came home the first week of school, and after a couple of weeks I didn't get anything back from the school, so i didn't think much of it. My son came home a couple of days ago with a note from the nurses office. It states that: Diego is 7 years old. He is 4 1/2 feet tall. And he weighs 75 pounds. ...Okay....THEN, in a sentence across the bottom of all of this information, in big bold letters, it states:
     "This child is obese and is likely to have health-related problems because of weight and should be seen by a healthcare provider for further assessment." 
       First of all, who the hell do you think you people are?!?! You are there to teach my child math, writing and are NOT there to play doctor and inform me that my child is fat and needs to go to a doctor. If you had any sense in your brain you would realize that he has seen a health care provider regularly, due to the fact that i have to have paperwork from his doctor filled out yearly to even have you people accept him into your school! Idiots.  Secondly, you send home an emergency care care at the beginning of the year that asks if the child has any health problems, if i send it back saying that he doesn't, then maybe you should mind your own damn business and leave his healthcare concerns up to myself and his primary care doctor. Thirdly, how many 7 year old's do you know that are four and a half feet tall?? My child is ALL AROUND big for his age. He is tall, and not stick thin, and generally bigger than all of the other kids his age. 
      I am 5'5 and his father is over 6 feet tall. Neither of us are fat AT ALL, and obesity does not run in our family. I don't feed my son raw meet to beef him up and let him snack on carbs and sh*t all day. He eats bananas, yogurt, and lots of other healthy things. My son has ASTHMA, which gets him put on steroids twice a year. If you talk to any doctor, they will tell you, that being on steroids for a prolonged amount of time, will make you gain weight easier than most people and when you have asthma, obviously, it's hard to lose weight. My son is very well taken care of, and far from fat, let alone OBESE. If you want to send me home behavior, or progress, or any other kind of report, then fine, i'll gladly look at it. But for you to think that it is okay for you to do the job of my doctor and diagnose my child, is beyond me. Keep to doing what you are there to do...educate my child with school things, let me worry about his health and stop trying to play doctor. If his Pediatrician says he's fine...THEN HE'S FINE! UGH MOTHERHOOD!!!! 

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