Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Pet that Makes My Kid Sick...?

       If a pet turtle shows up at your home, do not take him in. He is considered armed and dangerous. No joke.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Salmonella cases linked to tiny breeds of the reptile (it's not an amphibian!) is on the rise. As of last week, there are six current outbreaks of the bacteria-borne illness directly linked to exposure to the illegal contraband. Yes pet turtles are illegal.

Ever since 1975, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has placed a nationwide ban on sales of the repitles-with shells 4 inches or smaller. After a spike in Salmonella-related sicknesses, the little guys were found to be breeders of the bacteria.
Here's how it happens: They release the bacteria when they relieve themselves (that's a fancy way of saying turtle poop). Remnants of the Salmonella strain live on their shells and get transferred to human hands and mouths easily.
"Young children are ingenious in constructing ways to infect themselves," says Joseph C. Paige, D.V.M., a Consumer Safety Officer in the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine, in a statement to press. "They put the small turtles in their mouths or, more often, they touch the turtles or dangle their fingers in the turtle tank water and then put their hands in their mouths. Also, sometimes the tanks and reptile paraphernalia are cleaned in the kitchen sink, and food and eating utensils get cross-contaminated."

The latest CDC survey found turtle-related outbreaks in 30 states. (cdc.gov)

Even just letting the turtles run free in the house can spread the disease with serious consequences.
In 2007, a 3-week-old baby died after exposure to a pet turtle. More recently, 196 people (up from 168 in July) have been sickened after the six outbreaks were unleashed. As of last month, 36 of those sickened were hospitalized.
Because of their weakened immune systems, kids are particularly susceptible to the bacteria's side effects -which in rare cases can be deadly. The latest reports from the CDC estimate 63% of those recently sickened are 10 years of age or younger, and 29% are under a year old.

Spotting the warning signs of Salmonella

"All reptiles and amphibians are commonly contaminated with Salmonella," says Paige. "But it is the small turtles that most often are put in contact with young children, where consequences of infection are likely to be severe."
Prior exposure to the turtle doesn't mean you're in the clear. At least 72% of those exposed to the illness have lived with their pets for a while.
The steady increase in turtle-related illnesses since 2006 has prompted a crackdown on the illegal sale of the tiny pets. Last month, cops in Maryland busted two vendors, one at a pet store, the other at a makeshift vending station at Six Flags Great Adventure.
"We've really seen a big influx of these turtles for sale," said Mike Lathroum, a senior officer with the Maryland Natural Resources Police, told the Washington Post. "I don't know why. . . We've not been able to determine the source."
The turtles are sometimes given away for free -with purchase of habitats-in order to bypass the law. You'd think that the FDA, the CDC and police task forces could catch up with the slowest creature known to man. But if we've learned anything from childhood fables, it's that those sluggish little guys are persistent. 
       -Taken from ABC News On Yahoo!

Who would have ever thought?? I know that when my son asks me for a pet, I don't get all in depth researching the risks and benefits of the pet he wants and why he should or shouldn't have it...it's just a pet....right?? As long as it's not a snake or a spider or some kind of scorpion or something that is known to be deadly, i wouldn't worry about it...Well...I guess I was VERY wrong in this assumption! If my son had asked for a turtle..i probably would have gotten him one (before I read this article) and I wouldn't have had a second thought about it. They just swim around, sun bathe in their down time, and then eat bugs and crap like that..simple enough. Now i hear that by letting my son hold this thing, he could get very sick, and potentially die?? Looks like I'm going to have to put a little more thought and consideration into what I let my son have and not have.
      A couple of months ago his pet fish died, courtesy of the obnoxious little girl that lives down the street from us. Nevertheless, we had promised him that if he took good care of this fish, i.e. feeding him and letting me know when his water needs to be changed, and making sure the cat stays away from it, when the fish was gone, we would get him a new pet of his choice due to him being responsible and proving to us that he can be a good pet owner. Well, i come home from work one night, to find his fish lying on the bottom of his tank...dying. Needless to say, my son was in hysterics and fell asleep crying that night. The next day we took him to the pet store to look at hamsters, as this is the pet that he had decided that he wanted. The nice woman at Petco informed us that Guinea Pigs were a better choice for a pet for children, as they bite less and live longer and are all around, generally better natured than hamsters...Okay, well if that's how it is, then that's how it is. 
       A hundred and sixty dollars and a carriage full later, we head home with a happy little boy and a new guinea pig. We walk in the door, and while my husband installs this mansion of a cage for the thing, I read the paperwork that has been sent home with the animal....Halfway through the information page, I read that Guinea Pigs can ALSO be carries of salmonella poisoning and can also carry diseases, as they are a member of the rodent family and have a lot of the same tendencies. It stated that pregnant women and children should be careful handling these animals...okay, so we just spent a sh*t load of money on a pet that my son can't play with? I was livid. This woman had informed me that this was the better pet for my child, and that he could hold him and pet him and play with him...now I read that if he bites him I have to be very careful and keep an eye out for all these weird things?? Well, it was to late to bring him back now, my son was hooked...and the Guinea Pig was deemed with the name, Jackie Chan, compliments of Mommy and Diego's genius animal name brainstorm.
       We have had him for about three months, he's nipped us a couple of times, he gets excited when we give him treats and his mouth reacts faster than his brain and we get bit. We hold him wrapped in a towel and we feed him long pieces of hay to avoid being near his mouth. He seems to be working out okay, but to think that there are so many pets that we buy our children that we have no real idea about, is unnerving. From now, i guess I'll just have to do more research and make more careful decisions. Ohhhh Mommy hood :)

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