Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Controversy Over Yoga??

       While on the main website of yahoo, like I always am every morning when i finally drag myself out of bed, I see an article about there being a huge controversy about children participating in yoga while they are at school. Here is what I found:

       While every parent should have a say in what their child learns in school, I think that it is insane to feel that you have the right to put up such a fight about something because it's not what you want for your child. On the flip side, schools should make these yoga classes, optional...just like any other subject you study in school, parents and children should have a choice. I personally, would LOVE for my child to have the option to participate in a yoga class, as long as the school teaches it for pure relaxation and self control techniques...I agree that schools have no right to, in any way, implant any kind of religious belief in a child. I don't see how it's wrong to want to teach children how to relax and learn to channel their energies and thoughts into something productive, relaxing and quiet.
       My son takes part in story time at school, where all the kids sit in a circle and listen to the teacher read....now, are these same parents that object to yoga, going to object to story time because there's a possibility that they might not like the book that the teacher has chosen?? People are so quick to assume that if something is new, they won't like it. It's a simple fact...not many people accept, nor like, change. I am catholic, born and raised...and now that I am pregnant, my OBGYN office, offers pre-natal yoga....should i not do this because I am catholic and not of the religion that yoga originates from?? I think that the way that you react to something, all depends on your mindset of the situation...I would like to partake in yoga for the simple fact of practicing mental relaxation and body control, nothing more, nothing less. 
       Children are so overwhelmed with school and this and that these days, and participating in physical contact sports and such, that they could use a little relaxation time. I think that, as long as schools keep the boundary between yoga, and religious beliefs apart, then there is no problem in children taking part in it..but then again...some other parent probably has a very valid reason for being against it...that's what makes us American, our opinions and the right to them!  

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Goodbye Beautiful, Hello Heavy...

              So when planning a pregnancy, I feel as though all woman should research how they are going to feel throughout the changing timeline of it all...I have been pregnant before, seven years ago...so when me and my husband planned to get pregnant this time, I expected all joy, happiness and excitement the whole time....whoa was i wrong! The first two trimesters were awesome....I felt glowing...still tiny, excited and happy....I felt pretty. The third trimester hit, and everything went to hell in a hand-basket. It was like i woke up one morning and I had this huge belly on the front of me. My face gets rounder and rounder by the day, my tattoos look four times the size they were when i first got them, my hair is either perfect or so hideous it doesn't even look good tied back in a simple ponytail,  I feel like a pre-teen getting acne all over my face...which didn't even happen to me in high school so why is it happening now?? My thighs, which always had about an inch of space between them, now touch, and chafe depending on what I am wearing. My ass should wear a sign to watch out because it's taking on a life of it's own. I cry on a daily basis, and half of the time i couldn't tell you why.
       I feel like the ugly duckling lately, nothing anyone can say makes me feel better. I hate gaining weight, i hate getting stretch marks, and i hate being tired, moody, cranky, on edge, and anxious all of the time. I yearn for a full nights sleep, like go to bed when it gets dark and not wake up until the sun is shining in my face...but nooooo, I'm up literally 3-4 times a night to use the bathroom...I might as well have the baby here already, at least then getting up all night would render sensible. I feel like I am completely disgusting to my husband, which in his defense, nothing he says or does makes me feel better...only for the simple fact that I know that it is instilled in mens brains to respond with the safe answer of, "Honey you're not fat, you're pregnant. You're still beautiful to me." Ok, l bullshit, I know that I am nowhere near the size I was before this whole saga started, and i Know that how i look now, plus the fact of knowing there's a baby growing inside of me, isn't in the least bit, appealing to you. I'm not stupid...but thank you for trying.
       I know that this is normal in a lot of women, and i know that everyone says that it will get better...but I'm one of those impatient people, who expect immediate results after i have this baby..i want to be back to my slim, appealing (to my husband at least) self. I want to be able to put on my jeans and a nice top and feel good about myself. I want people to look at me and be like, I can't believe she has two kids. I know that this sounds selfish, and i know that this is unrealistic, but as of the last couple of weeks, this is what's in my head. I want my husband to come home from work, and realize why he misses me when he's gone, and why he's happy to be with me in the first place. I want to make it through a day without a tear or a fight. I just want Collin to be here, and my family to be happy and complete. Ohhhh third trimester mommyhood :/ 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

C-section vs. Natural Birth

       While trying to prepare myself for my upcoming c-section, I decided that it would be a good idea for me to Google the risks and benefits of a c-section vs. natural birth....bad idea. Holy crap I can honestly say that I don't think I have ever freaked myself out more in my life! Some things are just better left to chance and to just waiting and seeing what happens. Here's the one article that REALLY got to me:
I am so unsettled...I want nothing more than to have the option to at least try to have my baby naturally. I am terrified of surgeries. I hate hospitals. Everyone keeps telling me that it'll be okay and it's no big deal and I've done it before so it'll be okay this time...well sorry to break it to you...but you wouldn't know...you've never been through it. I did...and it sucked..and i'm sure it'll suck this time too. At least last time I wasn't prepared for it, I didn't expect it, and it was over before I knew it. A c-section has so many dangers, and negative results for mom and baby..that's not reassuring to me. I had postpartum with my first son, and he's been struggling with asthma since he was born, and I swore I would never have more kids after him....all of these things are in this article about the negative results of a c-section...what if all of that happens again with this baby??
       The closer the time gets to having Collin, the more and more crazy I'm driving myself. Oh my God I'm a basket case. I don't want to be away from my home or my family to stay in the hospital....I don't want to be limited to what i can do with my family around the holidays because I am recovering and miserable. I want to be able to come home and enjoy my family. I can honestly say that I have never been more scared to do anything in my life. I just want to have a healthy, happy baby, make a full recovery, and be okay. I understand that I am doing this because it is what will best benefit my son...but I think it's safe, and fair, to say that I am scared absolutely shitless. But hey, I guess that's life. Oyyyy.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


       So now that it's down to the wire until baby time, I feel that there are a few things that I have to get off of my chest before I am to busy to even have a pee break. I'm sorry in advance that this is not going to be the nicest post that I have written, and I'm sorry that it is going to offend some people, but hey, it's America, my speech is free...that's life. Here goes: 
       To all of the people who claim to be my "Friends," thank you for not stopping by, texting, or calling once in my last eight months of pregnancy to even say hello. Thank you for making it a point to be sure that I was there to see your children in the hospital, and hold them the first day they were born, but you can't even answer a text message. Thank you for being there for me to talk to when i feel overwhelmed about all of this, since I would drag my son to your house for hours while I walked around with your baby, calming them down because YOU needed a break. Thank you for taking time out of your lazy, weekends off, to pick up the phone and say hello...NOT (because that never happened)! Thank you for calling me when you need something, but not returning a call for weeks because you're oh so busy. Thank you for texting me and telling me that you're a bad friend because you don't even know the sex of my baby..and he'll be here in a month....at least it's a little reassuring that you know you're a sucky friend..,only a little tho...cuz I know you won't do anything about it...just saying. And finally, thank you for telling me that you got my baby shower invitation, but also making sure that you make it a point to tell me, that you have Halloween parties and this and that on that day, but you'll most likely be there..but if you do come...it won't be for long....you know what?...don't bother....go buy your whorish halloween costume, get totally annihilated, have sex with a complete stranger, find out your pregnant...and then see how it feels when I CAN'T MAKE IT TO ANYTHING OF YOURS! Ooops...sorry...I caught a bad case of shitty friend....must be something in the air!
       And to my family....
I understand that the family is divided, and that no one can mend fences and talk like adults amongst themselves...but guess what...? ....you are going to have to put your grown-ups pants on and suck it up for one afternoon...because guess what..? I'm having a baby! NOT YOU!! I am, for once in my life, celebrating something that means a lot to me! I want me WHOLE family there...I am not going to go through having four baby showers a month before I give birth, because this one and that one doesn't wanna see the other one. I don't care! You don't like someone? Suck it up! You feel awkward? Bring a friend..the buddy system works wonders. You can put all of your family bullshit aside for one day and support me and my family. I go to holidays at your houses every year...and i hate to break it to you...but half of you annoy the shit out of me, and i'd rather stay home in my jammies with My kids and my husband all day..but we're family...so every holiday...off we go to make the visiting rounds. Nonetheless, I am throwing my OWN baby shower, because when we found out we were pregnant, everyone wanted to claim dibbs on throwing the baby shower, and then, when push came to shove and it was time to make it or break it...this one had house construction to do, and this one didn't want to see half the family so they wanted to plan their own thing hours away, and this one didn't want everyone having their phone number on the invitation......H.O.L.Y. SHIT! You know what?? For-get. It. We need favors from NO ONE! 
       So the bottom line is, the baby shower invitations are made, sent out, and there is a way to let us know whether or not you are coming....If you cannot make it to my shower because you are working, have a prior family engagement, or are sick with some sort of freak flu, then fine, shit happens and I understand. However, if you cannot make it to our shower because you have a Halloween party at some club or bar that you need to spend hours getting trampy for, or you have some issue with someone in the family and you don't want to see them, or you have any other miniscule, unimportant excuse....then DO NOT bother showing up for the birth of my son, texting or calling my phone with an..'I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you...' It's not about the presents, it's not about the money, it's not about any of that. It's a about seeing my family together, having fun, supporting us, and celebrating what is going to be a new life. I wouldn't care if you drew me a card on a white piece of paper and folded it...I just want my family to be there. I'm sorry if this offends some of you, and I'm sorry if you think it's rude...but you should all be well aware of the fact that in my 25 years, I have never been one to sugar coat things, so one last time...if you are going to give me some lame ass excuse as to why you cannot come and support the celebration of a baby...then do not come to the hospital. Do not call. Do not text. Do not stop by. And do NOT consider yourself my friend...and if we're related...consider that the ONLY reason that you ever need anything to do with me. Thanks :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

Where should schools draw the line??

      When my son started school this year, a letter was sent home informing parents that they would be taking the children down to the nurses office, weighing them, and recording their BMI's. (Body Mass Index) This didn't seem to me, like something that should be being done by the school, but whatever. I was used to them doing eye tests and hearing tests, and that was it. This letter came home the first week of school, and after a couple of weeks I didn't get anything back from the school, so i didn't think much of it. My son came home a couple of days ago with a note from the nurses office. It states that: Diego is 7 years old. He is 4 1/2 feet tall. And he weighs 75 pounds. ...Okay....THEN, in a sentence across the bottom of all of this information, in big bold letters, it states:
     "This child is obese and is likely to have health-related problems because of weight and should be seen by a healthcare provider for further assessment." 
       First of all, who the hell do you think you people are?!?! You are there to teach my child math, writing and reading..you are NOT there to play doctor and inform me that my child is fat and needs to go to a doctor. If you had any sense in your brain you would realize that he has seen a health care provider regularly, due to the fact that i have to have paperwork from his doctor filled out yearly to even have you people accept him into your school! Idiots.  Secondly, you send home an emergency care care at the beginning of the year that asks if the child has any health problems, if i send it back saying that he doesn't, then maybe you should mind your own damn business and leave his healthcare concerns up to myself and his primary care doctor. Thirdly, how many 7 year old's do you know that are four and a half feet tall?? My child is ALL AROUND big for his age. He is tall, and not stick thin, and generally bigger than all of the other kids his age. 
      I am 5'5 and his father is over 6 feet tall. Neither of us are fat AT ALL, and obesity does not run in our family. I don't feed my son raw meet to beef him up and let him snack on carbs and sh*t all day. He eats bananas, yogurt, and lots of other healthy things. My son has ASTHMA, which gets him put on steroids twice a year. If you talk to any doctor, they will tell you, that being on steroids for a prolonged amount of time, will make you gain weight easier than most people and when you have asthma, obviously, it's hard to lose weight. My son is very well taken care of, and far from fat, let alone OBESE. If you want to send me home behavior, or progress, or any other kind of report, then fine, i'll gladly look at it. But for you to think that it is okay for you to do the job of my doctor and diagnose my child, is beyond me. Keep to doing what you are there to do...educate my child with school things, let me worry about his health and stop trying to play doctor. If his Pediatrician says he's fine...THEN HE'S FINE! UGH MOTHERHOOD!!!! 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

If you really want to help your children be successful, stop making excuses for them.

(CNN) -- This summer, I met a principal who was recently named as the administrator of the year in her state. She was loved and adored by all, but she told me she was leaving the profession.
I screamed, "You can't leave us," and she quite bluntly replied, "Look, if I get an offer to lead a school system of orphans, I will be all over it, but I just can't deal with parents anymore; they are killing us."
Unfortunately, this sentiment seems to be becoming more and more prevalent. Today, new teachers remain in our profession an average of just 4.5 years, and many of them list "issues with parents" as one of their reasons for throwing in the towel. Word is spreading, and the more negativity teachers receive from parents, the harder it becomes to recruit the best and the brightest out of colleges.
So, what can we do to stem the tide? What do teachers really need parents to understand?
For starters, we are educators, not nannies. We are educated professionals who work with kids every day and often see your child in a different light than you do. If we give you advice, don't fight it. Take it, and digest it in the same way you would consider advice from a doctor or lawyer. I have become used to some parents who just don't want to hear anything negative about their child, but sometimes if you're willing to take early warning advice to heart, it can help you head off an issue that could become much greater in the future.
Trust us. At times when I tell parents that their child has been a behavior problem, I can almost see the hairs rise on their backs. They are ready to fight and defend their child, and it is exhausting. One of my biggest pet peeves is when I tell a mom something her son did and she turns, looks at him and asks, "Is that true?" Well, of course it's true. I just told you. And please don't ask whether a classmate can confirm what happened or whether another teacher might have been present. It only demeans teachers and weakens the partnership between teacher and parent.
Please quit with all the excuses
The truth is, a lot of times it's the bad teachers who give the easiest grades, because they know by giving good grades everyone will leave them alone.
Ron Clark
And if you really want to help your children be successful, stop making excuses for them. I was talking with a parent and her son about his summer reading assignments. He told me he hadn't started, and I let him know I was extremely disappointed because school starts in two weeks.
His mother chimed in and told me that it had been a horrible summer for them because of family issues they'd been through in July. I said I was so sorry, but I couldn't help but point out that the assignments were given in May. She quickly added that she was allowing her child some "fun time" during the summer before getting back to work in July and that it wasn't his fault the work wasn't complete.
Can you feel my pain?
Some parents will make excuses regardless of the situation, and they are raising children who will grow into adults who turn toward excuses and do not create a strong work ethic. If you don't want your child to end up 25 and jobless, sitting on your couch eating potato chips, then stop making excuses for why they aren't succeeding. Instead, focus on finding solutions.
Parents, be a partner instead of a prosecutor
And parents, you know, it's OK for your child to get in trouble sometimes. It builds character and teaches life lessons. As teachers, we are vexed by those parents who stand in the way of those lessons; we call them helicopter parents because they want to swoop in and save their child every time something goes wrong. If we give a child a 79 on a project, then that is what the child deserves. Don't set up a time to meet with me to negotiate extra credit for an 80. It's a 79, regardless of whether you think it should be a B+.
This one may be hard to accept, but you shouldn't assume that because your child makes straight A's that he/she is getting a good education. The truth is, a lot of times it's the bad teachers who give the easiest grades, because they know by giving good grades everyone will leave them alone. Parents will say, "My child has a great teacher! He made all A's this year!"
Wow. Come on now. In all honesty, it's usually the best teachers who are giving the lowest grades, because they are raising expectations. Yet, when your children receive low scores you want to complain and head to the principal's office.
Please, take a step back and get a good look at the landscape. Before you challenge those low grades you feel the teacher has "given" your child, you might need to realize your child "earned" those grades and that the teacher you are complaining about is actually the one that is providing the best education.
And please, be a partner instead of a prosecutor. I had a child cheat on a test, and his parents threatened to call a lawyer because I was labeling him a criminal. I know that sounds crazy, but principals all across the country are telling me that more and more lawyers are accompanying parents for school meetings dealing with their children.
Teachers walking on eggshells
I feel so sorry for administrators and teachers these days whose hands are completely tied. In many ways, we live in fear of what will happen next. We walk on eggshells in a watered-down education system where teachers lack the courage to be honest and speak their minds. If they make a slight mistake, it can become a major disaster.
My mom just told me a child at a local school wrote on his face with a permanent marker. The teacher tried to get it off with a wash cloth, and it left a red mark on the side of his face. The parent called the media, and the teacher lost her job. My mom, my very own mother, said, "Can you believe that woman did that?"
I felt hit in the gut. I honestly would have probably tried to get the mark off as well. To think that we might lose our jobs over something so minor is scary. Why would anyone want to enter our profession? If our teachers continue to feel threatened and scared, you will rob our schools of our best and handcuff our efforts to recruit tomorrow's outstanding educators.
Finally, deal with negative situations in a professional manner.
If your child said something happened in the classroom that concerns you, ask to meet with the teacher and approach the situation by saying, "I wanted to let you know something my child said took place in your class, because I know that children can exaggerate and that there are always two sides to every story. I was hoping you could shed some light for me." If you aren't happy with the result, then take your concerns to the principal, but above all else, never talk negatively about a teacher in front of your child. If he knows you don't respect her, he won't either, and that will lead to a whole host of new problems.
We know you love your children. We love them, too. We just ask -- and beg of you -- to trust us, support us and work with the system, not against it. We need you to have our backs, and we need you to give us the respect we deserve. Lift us up and make us feel appreciated, and we will work even harder to give your child the best education possible.
That's a teacher's promise, from me to you.
          Ron Clark, author of "The End of Molasses Classes: Getting Our Kids Unstuck -- 101 Extraordinary Solutions for Parents and Teachers," has been named "American Teacher of the Year" by Disney and was Oprah Winfrey's pick as her "Phenomenal Man." He founded The Ron Clark Academy, which educators from around the world have visited to learn.

       There have been a lot of articles on children, teachers and school lately, and I feel that it is something that is probably a very good subject to write about, as it pertains to 96% of us parents whose children attend public school. I can personally relate to this article that I copied above...my son is a smart kid...he knows a lot of things and he catches on easily...the problem is that he cannot go through one day in school without getting spoken to....he talks...alot. I know that he is excited and he has a lot to say,  but he needs to understand that you have recess and snack time and lunch time and all of these other little breaks, so that you can get out and talk to your friends real quick and get some of your energy out..then you are to go to your classroom and sit and listen intently and quietly to your teacher. 
       On the flip side, I give my son a lot of credit also. He is very honest with me...more so than a lot of other seven year old's, I'm sure. He comes home every day and tells me if his name was written on the board and if he missed recess or not. If it is...depending on what he got in trouble for, he will tell either myself or my husband..depending on who he thinks will react better. Either way, he does this every day, because I have instilled in him that if he comes home and he is honest with me before I have to hear it from his teacher, punishment isn't as harsh, we just spend more ti me working on how to fix it. But if he neglects to tell me, or lies to me and I have to wait to hear what happened from his teacher, he is in bigger trouble. 
       I give teachers all the credit in the world...I know that I could never do it, that's for sure. I never question what happened or why his teacher punished him...if he got recess taken away, I'm sure that he deserved it...do i fell bad that he has to sit inside while his friends play outside? Sure i do...but that's life, and maybe next time he'll behave and get to enjoy the next recess with them. He came home from school the other day and informed me that he got in trouble and got TWO recesses taken away....okayyyyy, well what could he have done to get two taken away?? He wouldn't tell me...he wanted to wait until my husband came home because he knew that he would take the reason better than i would. So, we called him on the phone and let him tell him, so in turn he could tell me. ...Well, Diego got in trouble for using the word assassinate while playing army with his friends at recess...hmmm....This one I understood, but my husband didn't see a big deal about...His defense for our son was, he was at recess and he's a boy...what else would they expect him to play?? My defense was...you just can't say things like that these days...once kids started bringing guns to school and killing each other, it should be a given that words like assassinate shouldn't be used while at school. Needless to say, Diego was punished and learned his lesson. 
       I don't make excuses for my son when he gets in trouble. The simple fact of the matter is, he is a normal, seven year old boy. He runs, he yells, he plays rough, he gets excited and he doesn't always think before he acts or speaks....but he is an all around, good kid. He is well mannered, obedient, respectful and loving. He is doing all of the things that he should be doing, to ensure that he will learn from the wrong things now, and become someone successful when he is older. I don't shield him from disappointment, I don't sugar coat things to make it not seem as bad, and I don't lie to him about anything. Some people may think that this is the wrong way to be with a seven year old, well that's fine..don't be that way with yours then...But I am. My son knows about losing people he loves, he knows about giving up things so that people less fortunate can have something, he knows about having a pet die, and he knows about repercussions for his actions. He is turning out to be exactly who I would want him to be, he makes mistakes, learns, adjusts, and moves on. And I wouldn't change a thing about him. <3  

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Pet that Makes My Kid Sick...?

       If a pet turtle shows up at your home, do not take him in. He is considered armed and dangerous. No joke.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number of Salmonella cases linked to tiny breeds of the reptile (it's not an amphibian!) is on the rise. As of last week, there are six current outbreaks of the bacteria-borne illness directly linked to exposure to the illegal contraband. Yes pet turtles are illegal.

Ever since 1975, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has placed a nationwide ban on sales of the repitles-with shells 4 inches or smaller. After a spike in Salmonella-related sicknesses, the little guys were found to be breeders of the bacteria.
Here's how it happens: They release the bacteria when they relieve themselves (that's a fancy way of saying turtle poop). Remnants of the Salmonella strain live on their shells and get transferred to human hands and mouths easily.
"Young children are ingenious in constructing ways to infect themselves," says Joseph C. Paige, D.V.M., a Consumer Safety Officer in the FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine, in a statement to press. "They put the small turtles in their mouths or, more often, they touch the turtles or dangle their fingers in the turtle tank water and then put their hands in their mouths. Also, sometimes the tanks and reptile paraphernalia are cleaned in the kitchen sink, and food and eating utensils get cross-contaminated."

The latest CDC survey found turtle-related outbreaks in 30 states. (cdc.gov)

Even just letting the turtles run free in the house can spread the disease with serious consequences.
In 2007, a 3-week-old baby died after exposure to a pet turtle. More recently, 196 people (up from 168 in July) have been sickened after the six outbreaks were unleashed. As of last month, 36 of those sickened were hospitalized.
Because of their weakened immune systems, kids are particularly susceptible to the bacteria's side effects -which in rare cases can be deadly. The latest reports from the CDC estimate 63% of those recently sickened are 10 years of age or younger, and 29% are under a year old.

Spotting the warning signs of Salmonella

"All reptiles and amphibians are commonly contaminated with Salmonella," says Paige. "But it is the small turtles that most often are put in contact with young children, where consequences of infection are likely to be severe."
Prior exposure to the turtle doesn't mean you're in the clear. At least 72% of those exposed to the illness have lived with their pets for a while.
The steady increase in turtle-related illnesses since 2006 has prompted a crackdown on the illegal sale of the tiny pets. Last month, cops in Maryland busted two vendors, one at a pet store, the other at a makeshift vending station at Six Flags Great Adventure.
"We've really seen a big influx of these turtles for sale," said Mike Lathroum, a senior officer with the Maryland Natural Resources Police, told the Washington Post. "I don't know why. . . We've not been able to determine the source."
The turtles are sometimes given away for free -with purchase of habitats-in order to bypass the law. You'd think that the FDA, the CDC and police task forces could catch up with the slowest creature known to man. But if we've learned anything from childhood fables, it's that those sluggish little guys are persistent. 
       -Taken from ABC News On Yahoo!

Who would have ever thought?? I know that when my son asks me for a pet, I don't get all in depth researching the risks and benefits of the pet he wants and why he should or shouldn't have it...it's just a pet....right?? As long as it's not a snake or a spider or some kind of scorpion or something that is known to be deadly, i wouldn't worry about it...Well...I guess I was VERY wrong in this assumption! If my son had asked for a turtle..i probably would have gotten him one (before I read this article) and I wouldn't have had a second thought about it. They just swim around, sun bathe in their down time, and then eat bugs and crap like that..simple enough. Now i hear that by letting my son hold this thing, he could get very sick, and potentially die?? Looks like I'm going to have to put a little more thought and consideration into what I let my son have and not have.
      A couple of months ago his pet fish died, courtesy of the obnoxious little girl that lives down the street from us. Nevertheless, we had promised him that if he took good care of this fish, i.e. feeding him and letting me know when his water needs to be changed, and making sure the cat stays away from it, when the fish was gone, we would get him a new pet of his choice due to him being responsible and proving to us that he can be a good pet owner. Well, i come home from work one night, to find his fish lying on the bottom of his tank...dying. Needless to say, my son was in hysterics and fell asleep crying that night. The next day we took him to the pet store to look at hamsters, as this is the pet that he had decided that he wanted. The nice woman at Petco informed us that Guinea Pigs were a better choice for a pet for children, as they bite less and live longer and are all around, generally better natured than hamsters...Okay, well if that's how it is, then that's how it is. 
       A hundred and sixty dollars and a carriage full later, we head home with a happy little boy and a new guinea pig. We walk in the door, and while my husband installs this mansion of a cage for the thing, I read the paperwork that has been sent home with the animal....Halfway through the information page, I read that Guinea Pigs can ALSO be carries of salmonella poisoning and can also carry diseases, as they are a member of the rodent family and have a lot of the same tendencies. It stated that pregnant women and children should be careful handling these animals...okay, so we just spent a sh*t load of money on a pet that my son can't play with? I was livid. This woman had informed me that this was the better pet for my child, and that he could hold him and pet him and play with him...now I read that if he bites him I have to be very careful and keep an eye out for all these weird things?? Well, it was to late to bring him back now, my son was hooked...and the Guinea Pig was deemed with the name, Jackie Chan, compliments of Mommy and Diego's genius animal name brainstorm.
       We have had him for about three months, he's nipped us a couple of times, he gets excited when we give him treats and his mouth reacts faster than his brain and we get bit. We hold him wrapped in a towel and we feed him long pieces of hay to avoid being near his mouth. He seems to be working out okay, but to think that there are so many pets that we buy our children that we have no real idea about, is unnerving. From now, i guess I'll just have to do more research and make more careful decisions. Ohhhh Mommy hood :)

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Diaper Shortage?! Of All the things...!

As so often happens, moms are left to deal with the mess.
An explosion at a Japanese chemical plant this weekend has the spectre of a global diaper shortage.
The plant in the coastal city of Himeji, operated by Nippon Shokubai Co., is one of the world's largest producers of acrylic acid, a primary ingredient used in disposable diapers.
Powerful blasts rocked the facility Saturday, as firefighters were trying to control a blaze at one of the tanks containing the chemical. One firefighter died and 34 employees and first responders were injured in the blast.
Acrylic acid is a key component of superabsorbent polymers or SAP, which absorb large amounts of liquid. Nippon Shokubai makes roughly 20 percent of the world's SAP and maintains a 10 percent global market share of acrylic acid. The plant had been ramping up production to meet increasing global demand, especially from China, according to Japanese media reports.
Prior to the accident, the plant in the Hyogo Prefecture manufactured 460,000 tons of acrylic acid annually, supplying clients like Procter and Gamble, which relied on Nippon Shokubai for products it sold in Asia.
Roughly 4 million tons of acrylic acid are produced in the world, with the largest manufacturers in Germany and the U.S., according to Nippon Shokubai spokesman Akira Kurusu.
Kurusu said the company had already reached out to other producers to make sure their clients' needs are met, but said he could not comment on whether the plant closure in Japan would affect global costs and supply.
       -Compliments of ABC News on Yahoo.
Who would have ever expected such a thing?..Diapers, they're so convenient, so always in-stock..filling shelf after shelf at all of the stores...maybe to some people this is no big deal, but to moms who know how much they make the battle of daily life a little bit more convenient, a little bit more easy..it is. Sometimes it takes something like this, to make us realize that maybe we take everyday things in life a little bit for granted, simple things that we use at our leisure...but if you think about it, contemplate how much harder motherhood would be without an abundance of diapers, pacifiers, teething rings, baby wipes...and for those who aren't parents...what if you didn't have a supply of toilet paper, or soap...little things that we use everyday and never think about not having them....we have gotten to used to having things at our leisure, and if we run out, we make a run to the store and buy some more, no big deal.
       What if we couldn't do that? What if we went to get some more..and there was none? What if, when they finally had more, there was so little in supply that the price of what we needed doubled..maybe even tripled? We have become so adjusted, so comfortable to the things that we have never been without, that we probably wouldn't know what to do without them. Lets keep our fingers crossed, that the price of diapers doesn't go up, and that the supply can keep up with the demand of the amount of people who need them. Lets be grateful for the things in life that we always have enough of, and maybe not complain about the price of something if it's a little high..because it could always be a little higher. Lets be grateful for the people who work hard to give us all of these things, they don't just come out of thin air, someone works hard so that we can have the things that we need. In the mean time, Mommys get to the store and stock up on an abundance of diapers now!! Nothing is worse than an uncovered, free baby butt!! Ohhhh Mommy Hood :)