Thursday, December 6, 2012

So much for excitement....

When me and my significant other decided to become pregnant, we were ecstatic when it finally happened. We were the ideal couple that took belly pictures every month and counted down the days until The beautiful baby, that we decided to name Collin, would be here. In the beginning, Collin was breached, so a c-section was scheduled for November 30th. I eventually accepted that this was how my son was going to be born, whether it was my first choice or not.
Many appointments later, we discovered that Collin had decided to move into the right position for a natural birth, obviously I was happy! My doctor gave us the go ahead to wait it out and try a natural birth. November 30th came and went, and now here I am on dec 6th, my actual estimated due date...and still no baby!!! At an appointment Monday, my doctor informed me that if I have not gone into labor by my next appointment, he would like to attempt to break my water and get things moving. Ugh seriously?!
My first son was three weeks early, so there was none of this anticipation and stress, he just surprised us all with an early entrance. Let me just say, I am so glad that he did, yes the way he came was stressful and unexpected, but I didn't have to worry, stress, or think about it! I have stressed about going into labor every single day since my scheduled c-section passed, and we have tried endless old wives tales to try to induce labor. I have never eaten so much Mexican food in my life! Add that to some long walks, a couple of stressful days from my seven year old, a little bit of love making, lots of bumpy roads and some serious squats, and you would think that Collin would show some sign of coming out right? Wrong!
I can officially say that pregnancy has gotten to the point of far past enjoyable. I cannot tell you the last time I slept for more than two hours consecutively, whether I'm getting up to pee, or staring at a wall because I just cannot, for the life of me, get comfortable. Just when I thought my belly couldn't get bigger, it feels more and more large every day. I've never been so thirsty in all of my life, and the more I drink, the more I swell. I haven't been able to bend down and put my own socks on for almost three weeks. Heartburn wakes me up in the middle of the night and although its about 35 degrees here at night, my window is open and my fan is running...and I'm still drenched in sweat. I can't sit down to pee without passing gas or my body doing some other weird disgusting thing. Sexy is wayyyyyy a thing of my past.
I am no longer excited for pregnancy, I now excited for baby. I just want my son here so I can get life back to a routine, feel normal, and be happy. Ten months is a long friggin time to be pregnant, and I am mentally and physically drained. I have decided that I am terrified to attempt to give birth, but if it means that my son will finally be here, and I won't have to be pregnant anymore, then hey, I'm all for it.
I can't wait for the day that I can wake up in the morning and sit up, stretch, an get out of bed...not wake up, sigh in frustration, and roll out of bed because my body is to large to pick up. I can't wait for the day when I can wear the clothes that are in my own closet, instead of raiding my husbands. I can't wait for the night when I can go to sleep, and stay asleep, only to wake up for mealtime for little man. I can't wait for the day when I can put my own socks on!
I have no regrets about getting pregnant, but I am more than ready for Collin to come out and enjoy the rest of December with us! This is when men new to realize just how much we do, ten months of pregnancy, hormones and body changes. I am tired of being stretched, poked, kicked and jabbed from the inside out. Lets go Collin, we're ready for you out here!!! Ahhhh motherhood!!