Thursday, December 22, 2011

Just Breathe...

         Mom: the word sounds simple, comforting, and easy...but yet the role of Mom is probably one of the most difficult jobs that any one will ever encounter in their lives. Being Mom isn't one specific're a mentor, a caregiver, a nurse, a teacher, a disciplinarian, a supporter, and so much more. Some Moms do it by themselves, some have another half to help them out...but i admire every woman that has ever made the commitment to be "Mom". 
         The point of me making this blog, is so that Moms from all over can take a few minutes out of their busy day and just read, vent, or learn anything written on this wall. There will be blogs anywhere from "How do i deal with my child doing this?" to, quick, easy, at-home recipes that are easy for Moms and yummy for kids. So sit back, relax, take the Mom cap off for a minute, and enjoy the reading. Feel free to share stories, comment on another story, share advice, or ask for help. We're all Mom's, and if we can't communicate with one another...who will?? Enjoy Ladies :)